Bharathi Eduction Trust (B.E.T) Polytechnic

B.E.T. Polytechnic College recognized by Government of Karnataka and approved by AICTE New Delhi was started in 1986 by Dr.G.Madegowda, our Founder Chairman who is a renowned visionary, philanthropist, and a pioneer in creating several landmark infrastructure educational Institutions in Mandya District.

Dr.G.Madegowda envisioned B.E.T.Polytechnic as an excellence imparting quality and affordable education. Today, B.E.T.Polytechnic stands tall as one of Karnataka’s finest names in Diploma Engineering Education and has produced more than 5,000 engineering professionals who occupy responsible positions across the country and globe.

Dr.G.Madegowda B.A., L.L.B.,

Ex-Member of Parliament

It is my pleasure to welcome you to BETP and wish you a memorable, meaningful and rewarding tenure and emerge as world-class engineers. I would urge upon you to prove as good human beings and worthy citizens of this great country.

The Institute has already marked its presence as a leading teaching institute. Technical students reside on the campus will get full opportunity to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities leading to a holistic personality development.

Sri Madhu G Madegowda B.E., M.B.A.,


The BETP under the BET(R) aims of our Institution is to provide our students a technologically up-to-date and intellectually inspiring environment of learning, creativity & professional activity and inculcate in them ethical and moral values.

G. Krishna, B.E.,

Principal, BETP