- Course Duration : 3 years. The course is spread over six semesters.
- Eligibility : Passed in 10th Std/SSLC Examination. Obtained at least 35% marks at the Qualification Examination.
- Lateral Entry to 2nd Year Diploma: 10th + 2 years ITI with appropriate Specialization.
The students are exposed to various subjects of study such as drafting, wiring, CAD, power saving and power control, high voltage engineering, generation, transmission , distribution & utilization.
There are plenty of opening for electrical diploma holders. The diploma holders find openings as maintains engineers in industry & commercial buildings. They can be absorbed as trainees in reputed public sector or private sector companies. They have openings in software industries as design engineers as they have adequate knowledge of CAD.
There are plenty of opening for electrical diploma holders. The diploma holders find openings as maintains engineers in industry & commercial buildings. They can be absorbed as trainees in reputed public sector or private sector companies. They have openings in software industries as design engineers as they have adequate knowledge of CAD.
Develop Electrical Engineers who have the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively and effectively for the betterment of human kind.
Guidelines for the PEOs
- – PEOs should be consistent with the mission of the Institution
- – The number of PEOs should be manageable
- – PEOs should be achievable by the program
- – PEOs should be specific to the program and not too broad
- – PEOs should be based on the needs of the constituencies
Guidelines for the POs
- – Program outcomes basically describe knowledge, skills and behavior of students as they progress through the program as well as by the time of graduation.
- – POs should not be too broad
- – They must align with the Graduate Attributes
- – They must reflect all the Graduate Attributes