Electrical & Electronic Subject List
- ✍ 20SC01T Engineering Mathematics
- ✍ 20EE11T Basics of Electrical Power System
- ✍ 20ME02P Computer Aided Engineering Graphics
- ✍ 20EE01P Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- ✍ 20AU01T Environmental Sustainability
- ✍ Sports/NCC/NSS/Youth Red Cross/Yoga/ Technical club
- ✍ 20PM01T Project Management Skills
- ✍ 20SC02P Statistics and Analytics
- ✍ 20EG01P Communication Skills
- ✍ 20CS01P IT Skills
- ✍ 20EE21P Residential Electrical Wiring Practice
- ✍ 20KA21T Kannada-I
- ✍ 15EE31T DC Machines and Alternators
- ✍ 15EE32T Electrical Power Generation
- ✍ 15EE33T Analog Electronics
- ✍ 15EE34T Digital Electronics
- ✍ 15EE35P DC Machines and Alternators Lab
- ✍ 15EE36P Analog & Digital Lab
- ✍ 15EE37P Circuits Simulation Lab
- ✍ 15EE41T Transformers and AC Motors
- ✍ 15CE42T Sanitary Engineering
- ✍ 15EE42T Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments
- ✍ 15EE43T Communication Electronics & Computer Networks
- ✍ 15EE44T Professional Ethics & Indian Constitution
- ✍ 15EE45P Transformers and AC Motors Lab
- ✍ 15EE46P Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments Lab
- ✍ 15EE47P Computer Aided Electrical Drafting
- ✒ 9EE51 Estimation & Specification
- ✒ 9EE52 Switchgear& Protection
- ✒ 9EE53EA Embedded System
- ✒ 9EE54P Electrical Workshop
- ✒ 9EE55EAP Embedded System Lab
- ✒ 9CE56P Computer Applications Lab
- ✒ 9EE56P CASP
- ✒ 9EE57P Project Work - I
- ✒ 9CE61 Railway Tunnel & Harbour Engineering
- ✒ 9EE61 Industrial drives & controls
- ✒ 9EE62 Utilisation of Electrical Energy & Management
- ✒ 9CE64 Construction Management & Constitution of India
- ✒ 9EE63 Basic Management Skills & Indian Constitution
- ✒ 9EE64P Electric Motor Control Lab
- ✒ 9EE65P PLC & HDL Lab
- ✒ 9EE66P Project Work
- ✒ 9EE67P Industrial Visit