Electronic & Communication
Electronic & Communication Subject List
- ✍ 20EC11T Digital Electronics
- ✍ 20SC02P Statistics and Analytics
- ✍ 20ME02P Computer Aided Engineering Graphics
- ✍ 20EC01P Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- ✍ 20AU01T Environmental Sustainability
- ✍ Sports/NCC/NSS/Youth Red Cross/Yoga/ Technical club
- ✍ 20PM01T Project Management Skills
- ✍ 20SC01T Engineering Mathematics
- ✍ 20EG01P Communication Skills
- ✍ 20CS01P IT Skills
- ✍ 20EC21P Electronic Components & Devices
- ✍ 20KA21T Kannada-I
- ✍ 15EC31T Analog Electgronic Circuits
- ✍ 15EC32T Digital Electronics
- ✍ 15EC33T Analog Communication
- ✍ 15EC34T Elec. Measur & Instrumentation
- ✍ 15EC35P Analog Elec. & Commun Lab
- ✍ 15EC36P Digital Electronics Lab - II
- ✍ 15EC37P C - Programming Lab
- ✍ 15EC41T Professional Ethics & Indian Constitution
- ✍ 15EC42T Microcontrollers & Applications
- ✍ 15EC43T Digital Communication
- ✍ 15EC44T Data Communication & Computer Networks
- ✍ 15EC45P Professional Practice Lab
- ✍ 15EC46P Microcontroller Lab
- ✍ 15EC47P Communication Lab
- ✒ 9EC51 Industrial Automation
- ✒ 9EC52 VHDL Programming
- ✒ 9EC53 Advanced Microprocessors
- ✒ 9EC54 Advanced Communication
- ✒ 9EC52 VHDL Programming
- ✒ 9EC55P Industrial Automation Lab
- ✒ 9EC56P VHDL Lab
- ✒ 9EC57P CASP
- ✒ 9EC58P Project Work - I
- ✒ 9EC61 Basic Management Skills & Indian Constitution
- ✒ 9EC62 ARM Controller
- ✒ 9EC63 Medical Electronics
- ✒ 9EC64P ARM Controller Lab
- ✒ 9EC65P MAT Lab
- ✒ 9EC66P Project Work